Paul McGreal is a professional sports event organiser with many years of experience and some significant events under his belt. None more significant than CELTMAN! though.
He takes care of the nitty gritty and provides entertainment via his ever interesting choice of shorts.
In daily life Stuart heads up the XTRI World Tour, the global series of extreme triathlons of which Celtman is a founding member. There he is affectionately known as “El Presidente”
In CELTMAN! mode he takes care of sponsorship, merchandising, logistics and all things electronic.
Here he is affectionately know as “Director of Traffic”. You will understand if you come to the race.
John is a professional event coordinator having extensive experience over many years (we don’t actually know how old he is).
As noted above, we cannot run CELTMAN! without a huge band of loyal crew and volunteers, John makes sure they are fully exploited, meagerly fed and ensures they have an old mattress to sleep on.